Programmatically Create a Swipeable UIScrollView with Embedded UIButtons
Intercept touch events on embedded UIButtons to allow standard swiping. Use only constraints and auto layout to size all control components.
Operator Overloading and User-Defined Subscripts in Swift
Learn how to overload operators in Swift and add custom subscripting to access the underlying data of Structs and Classes.
Build a MacOS Application with Spotify Connectivity using Swift
Integrate a desktop MacOS app with the Spotify API and get authenticated to the service using OAuthSwift and OAuth2
Singletons vs. Dependency Injection with Swift
Examining the pros and cons of using both key design patterns.
Slide-In List Animation for iOS Apps
Create a custom iOS control to duplicate the slide-in list effect from the most recent Bandcamp app.
Interface Builder Integration with Custom Controls
Make a custom control Interface Builder compliant using IBDesignable and IBInspectable
Django with MySQL 8 Database using Docker
Configure a Django database settings to an instance of MySQL 8 with docker-compose.yml and
Override UITextField Touch Interaction
Eliminate the editing functionality of UITextField using the UITextFieldDelegate protocol.
Animated Dropdown Selector
Compose a custom animated control using UITableVIew, UITextField, and UIImageView
Custom Animated Transition Between UIViewControllers
Build a custom animated transition animation between UIViewControllers using UIPercentDrivenInteractiveTransition, UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning, and UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegate
Passing Data Between UIViewControllers
Overview of using Class Variables, Segues, Delegates, Closures, and Broadcasting when communicating information between UIViewControllers.
Build a Simple Game for iOS Devices Using Swift - Part 4
Wrap up the game code by adding final polishing including animations to the win screen, connect screens using an unwind segue, and ensure cross-device functionality.